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Urica Primus

Urica Primus

Member of the Board of Directors at the Alliance for Responsible Mining

Miner (Nov 2008 – Nov 2016): I have owned and managed a small scale mining operation.

Hinterland Intelligence Committee (Sep 2014 – May 2018: National stakeholder group including the Mining Community, Guyana Police Force and other critical parties.

President, GWMO: I have been a member of the above organisation since it was started in 2012. I have previously served as second, as well as, first Vice President; respectively. I currently manage and guide the two arms of the organisation, these are: the Mining Committee, the Social Services Committee.

Guyana Geology and Mines Commission, BoDs, Vice Chairman(2016-2017 & 2019-2020)

National Minamata Working Group (Dec 2015-Present)

CRAFT Code Steering Committee

ARM Board of Directors.